
The user interface as a "mechatronic integrated device" (MID) - Transfer project for monitoring damp inside medical device controls

As part of a transfer project of the "it´s OWL" cluster of excellence, steute is investigating the integration of sensors in medical device control enclosures. More specifically, sensors for monitoring any penetration of damp. Two innovative manufacturing techniques are being combined in this investigation: laser direct structuring (LDS) and additive manufacturing (AM). The results are very promising – and will turn the user interface into a "mechatronic integrated device" (MID).

Source: meditronic-journal 4/2024

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Customised user interfaces - Control systems in the OR

The proportion of control systems which are customised is growing rapidly. Preparations for the interoperable OR, where multiple medical devices are controlled via a central user interface, are also progressing at full speed. The benefits of customised user interfaces will be explored in this article.

Source: DeviceMed (01/2024)

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User interface with integrated sensors

More functions for foot switches - The OR user interfaces of the future will be mechatronic integrated devices (MID) with special surfaces. Thanks to new production techniques, it is now possible to integrate conductive paths, sensors or antennas in the surfaces. Examples can be seen at the Medica.

Source: medizin&technik (06/2023)

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OR.NET: for integration in the OR – SDC also with real-time data transmission

Some tasks in the OR require a real-time link between interoperable medical devices. Corresponding extensions to the SDC standard compiled by OR.NET are in preparation. At the Medica 2023, these extensions will be shown at the steute Meditec booth.

Source: Published on the website of medizin&technik (10/2023)

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SDC: Operate multiple medical devices using a single control - New tasks and new technologies for user interfaces

Wireless user interfaces are now standard in the OR – and enable multiple medical devices to be controlled by a single user interface.

Source: meditronic-journal (2/2023)

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The benefits of remote control - Trends in user interfaces for medical devices

Medical devices in the OR are now usually connected to their corresponding user interfaces by remote control. This makes additional documentation necessary, but the advantages still far outweigh any disadvantages, and device manufacturers can purchase the systems with all the necessary approvals in place. Furthermore, radio technology is a prerequisite for interoperability in the OR: in the future, multiple medical devices will be operable via a single (wireless) user interface. First applications using this technology, known as SDC (Service-oriented Device Connectivity), are already available.

Source: NET (5/2022)

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User interfaces: from manufacturer to service provider

Wireless user interfaces have multiple benefits, making them a popular choice in many medical disciplines. However, they also involve a higher level of effort for device manufacturers with regard to testing and documentation than cabled controls – unless the supplier is MDR-ready and able to provide the user interface with all the relevant documentation.

Source: meditronic-journal (2/2022)

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Wireless benefits

Nearly all customised user interfaces developed by steute Meditec in cooperation with medical device manufacturers communicate with the device in question via remote control. And wireless command devices are also becoming increasingly popular as standard user interfaces – with good reason.

Source: medical-design (02/2022)

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The digital operating theatre

In Löhne, situated in East Westphalia, the operating theatre of the future is already reality: foot switch specialist steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG has developed a multi-purpose foot control which enables surgeons to operate different medical devices from different manufacturers.

Source: VDMA Magazin (11/2020)

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Interfaces for the interoperable OR

With the dynamic integration of devices in the "interoperable OR", new interface generations are emerging.

Source: meditronic-journal (01/2019)

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New low-energy wireless technology - Wireless foot controls

A new series of battery-driven foot controls uses the latest generation of a wireless technology developed especially for medical equipment. Its power consumption is low, meaning that conventional and not rechargeable batteries can be used.

Source: medizin & technik (06/2018)

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Completely cable-free: approved user interfaces for the OR

The amount of documentation required in the development of medical equipment is steadily increasing. This is also true of wireless technologies for communication between medical devices and their controls. steute Meditec can assist customers with mandatory tests and documentation.

Source: DeviceMed (05/2018)

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